Captain America: Civil War - 10 Theories On How It All Ends

1. Thanos Crashes The Party And Reunites The Avengers

Despite only having made three small appearances so far, Josh Brolin€™s Thanos is a key figure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His cameos in both Avengers movies as well as his part in Guardians Of The Galaxy have made him one of the most anticipated characters yet to appear in full, and he looks set to solve Marvel€™s long-running problem with forgettable villains (Loki aside). Brolin€™s name hasn€™t appeared on the Civil War cast list so far, but this could be Kevin Feige keeping his cards close to his chest. Chris Evans has gone on record as saying Captain America: Civil War will set up the real fight €“ the Avengers against the Mad Titan Thanos in the two-part Infinity War films. Does that mean that Thanos will make an appearance in Civil War, showing up at the very moment that Iron Man and Captain America are about to tear each other€™s heads off and reuniting Earth€™s Mightiest Heroes against the real enemy? This is a real possibility, though even Brolin himself claims to be in the dark about whether he will appear in Captain America: Civil War or be kept for Avengers: Infinity War - Part 1:
€œI don€™t know which one I€™m in, that€™s a Kevin Feige question. I know the trajectory of what they are doing, but I don€™t know exactly which one I€™m in.€
How do you think Captain America: Civil War will end? Share your theory in the comments below.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.