Captain America: Civil War - 10 Theories On How It All Ends
10. Cap Surrenders And Is Taken Prisoner
In one of the most backed theories doing the rounds, the Accords (so dubbed by Cap himself in the Ant-Man post-credit scene) look likely to play a vital part in how the titular war will go down. Whether the Accords is the name given to the government investigation prompted by the international incident involving the Avengers eluded to in the official synopsis or not is yet to be seen - it could be that Cap was actually referring to a new treaty brought in to deal with the Avengers when he said that the Accords would stop Tony Stark from coming to his aid. Regardless of what exactly the Accords are, war is coming to the MCU and with war comes casualties. The Avengers already have a fair bit of collateral damage on their collective conscience (Iron Man totalling an entire skyscraper in his efforts to calm the Hulk down jumps to mind) and that is just from fighting villains, so you can pretty much guarantee that the Avengers turning on one another means people getting caught in the crossfire. More buildings will be destroyed, more blood will be shed and more lives will be lost. This isnt something Steve Rogers is going to be comfortable with. It is quite possible that, after a moment of realisation in the heat of battle, Cap could throw down his shield and hand himself in to stop the fighting. This could be a nice way for the film makers to meet the source material halfway, throwing Cap in jail until he is needed for Infinity War - Part 1 instead of killing him off as Marvel did in the comic.