One of the more dramatic comic arcs in recent Marvel history is The Death of Captain America, in which Cap is sniped by Crossbones under order of Red Skull, while a hypnotised Sharon Carter delivers the final shot that ends Cap's life. There is a ton of evidence pointing to the fact that Cap will die at the end of Civil War, so much, in fact, that it would be a major shock if Steve somehow survives the movie. For starters, the various pieces of casting are all starting to fit together (especially if Bruhl really is playing Red Skull), then there's the fact that Chris Evans is keen to quit acting soon and embark on a directing career, and the fact that one of the provisional titles for Captain America 3 was "Fallen Son", which isn't exactly subtle now, is it? This would of course provide a natural lead-in to Bucky taking over the Captain America name just as in the comics, allowing the character to live on in the MCU with a likeable new actor, while Evans gets to cash out and seek artistic satisfaction elsewhere. It is, of course, possible that Rogers might just lose his super-soldier powers or get written out some other way without dying, though if Marvel wants to shoot for maximum emotional impact, killing off Rogers would totally be the way to start off Phase Three with a bang. What are your hopes and expectations for Phase Three? Chime in with your own theories and predictions in the comments!
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.