Captain America: Civil War - 10 Things You Need To Know
2. Daniel Bruhl Is Playing An Unknown Supporting Villain
A surprise spot of casting took place two weeks ago when it was announced that Daniel Bruhl would be playing an unspecified villain role in Civil War, reportedly a lesser part than Crossbones but one that might carry through to the upcoming Doctor Strange film. So, who could Bruhl be playing? The most likely answers are Baron Zemo, the son of a Nazi scientist who wants revenge against Cap, or as would be considerably more interesting, a new version of Red Skull, resulting from the villain's ability to transmit himself into another body. Given that Bruhl's character has less of a role than Crossbones, this would, of course, mean that he's simply a Big Bad lurking in the shadows, giving orders to his minions. This would make a lot of sense given one major order that Red Skull gives Crossbones in the comics: kill Captain America. Speaking of which...
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