Captain America: Civil War - 10 Things You Need To Know About Baron Zemo

9. He's Not Quite A Nazi

Baron Zemo
Marvel Comics

Baron Zemo has deep familial ties to the Nazis, he shares certain ideologies with the Nazis, but he’s not quite a Nazi.

Zemo grew up listening to his father’s lessons on superiority. He believed that he was better than everyone and that the human race ought to be ruled by the Master Race to which they both belonged. These ideological views would shape the character, but he has never been subservient to the political cause.

Over the years, his beliefs have occasionally warped into a twisted form of altruism. He still wants to rule the world, but now he wants to do so because he thinks it’s for the best, not because he’s evil and wants to conquer.

Zemo has always been invested in his own goals. Whether that’s because there’s no political party in modern times for him to associate with, or because he’s simply not interested is unclear. Either way, hints of Nazism have helped shape the character, but they no longer define or restrict him.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.