Captain America Civil War: 10 Worst Plot Points The Film Must Ignore

5. Spider-Man's Not-So-Secret Identity

Captain America: Civil War looks like it'll be bridging the gap between Age Of Ultron and Infinity War all by itself, with the film appearing more like an Avengers side-story than anything else. At least, that's based on the casting news: not only will the main cast of The Winter Soldier be returning, but half the cast of Age Of Ultron and event Ant-Man are going to be part of Civil War, too. That means the scope has expanded a fair bit from the last couple of Cap movies, and Civil War looks to be a true adaptation of the comics with lots of heroes scrapping with each other. The main player from the comics who hasn't been confirmed to appear in the film is Spider-Man, but that could easily change. Peter Parker's part of the MCU now and, whilst he's not been officially cast yet, rumour has it Marvel could very well drop him into Civil War. Hopefully in a radically different capacity to how his arc went in the comics, since Civil War involved him siding with Iron Man's pro-registration side and so revealing his secret identity. Not a particularly great introduction to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at