Captain America Civil War: 10 Worst Plot Points The Film Must Ignore

4. Iron Man As A Total Villain...

Civil War (the comic book) doesn't attempt for one second to be non-partisan. From the off its clear that the pro-registration lot are supposed to be the bad guys, which makes for a fair bit of cognitive dissonance on the part of the readers. After all, they've spent decades reading stories where Iron Man, Reed Richards and such are heroes, who've saved the world countless times. Suddenly switching and have them be total villains was jarring, and it'll be equally so if they adapt that conflict faithfully into the third Captain America film. Tony Stark is often at odds with his Avengers cohorts, but after a bit of grappling with Thor everybody's pretty much forgiven him for his transgressions by the end of Age Of Ultron. It just wouldn't work in the MCU and, really, it doesn't really work in the comics either. Stark and the rest act totally out of character and it would actually be way more interesting €“ story-wise and politically €“ to have some balance between the warring groups, to see both sides and have the audience genuinely torn about who they're with in a big action film for the first time...ever?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at