Captain America Civil War: 11 Reasons It's Better Than Batman V Superman

9. Character Logic Is Near-Perfect

Ben Affleck Civil War.jpg
Marvel Studios

Batman V Superman is unfortunately a movie where you find yourself questioning the character actions a lot. Why does Lex Luthor have personalised bullets? Why does he even hate Superman? Why does the general public think Superman would shoot people in Africa? Why doesn't Superman try harder to talk it out with Bruce rather than just start a fight? Why does Batman kill numerous people? Why does Lois Lane throw the Kryptonite spear into the water only to retrieve it seconds later? Why doesn't Wonder Woman use the spear to kill Doomsday instead of Superman?

You get the point. There's a lot of questionable character logic, whereas Civil War by comparison manages the tricky feat of giving pretty much every character plausible motivations. Neither side of the conflict feels 100% right regardless of the side you pick, and yet it's easy to see how the Avengers end up split over the issue.

Hell, even the villain, Helmut Zemo, has a simple and relatable motive (though some might argue it's a bit cliched), and we'll take that over Lex Luthor's hyper-convoluted, obscure plan complete with highly questionable intent.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.