Captain America Civil War: 11 Reasons It's Better Than Batman V Superman

8. It's Not Desperately Setting Up The Next Movie

Ben Affleck Civil War.jpg
Marvel Studios

Batman V Superman is an insanely ambitious film, nobody can deny it. The problem is that, when a fairly simple hero vs. hero movie would have sufficed, it also encumbers itself with the need to set up Justice League, and so an already jam-packed movie ends up overloaded with too much to do.

Basically, for the most part it feels like we're watching a coming attractions reel for future movies rather than the film focusing on the present conflict with perhaps a small, subtle tease for what's next. This is perhaps where Warner might've been smart to actually make use of Marvel's now-standard post-credits scenes, considering how the widely-mocked laptop reveal of the Justice League would have made a lot more sense if it came after the credits rather than being a jarring diversion in the middle of the film.

Though Civil War has sewn some pretty blatant seeds for Infinity War, it's not at all shoehorned into the fabric of the story, and the movie on the whole keeps its focus pretty laser-trained throughout. Sure, Marvel has a huge advantage in that they already know you're going to show up for the next one, but the DCEU approach just seemed desperate, like they were trying to force too much through the gate too soon.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.