Captain America Civil War: 11 Reasons It's Better Than Batman V Superman

4. The Trailers Didn't Ruin Everything

Ben Affleck Civil War.jpg

One of the most vocal complaints about BvS is that, despite Zack Snyder and co. promising it wasn't the case, the trailers ended up spoiling the majority of the film's plot beats, and most disappointingly Wonder Woman's arrival as well as Doomsday showing up. Yes, they didn't give away Superman's "death", but for all the actual import it had in the plot, they could very well have.

Civil War's basic plot can probably be ascertained from the trailers by a keen-eyed observer, but there are plenty of surprises in store throughout, and the movie has a consistent slew of unexpected moments to keep audiences on their toes.

Though being surprised isn't the be all and end all of everything, it says a lot that Marvel Studios were clearly a lot more confident in their product not to give too much away ahead of time, whereas Warner evidently felt pressured to reveal more and more of the movie simply to get butts in seats.

That Civil War is predicted to demolish BvS at the box office really says it all.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.