Captain America Civil War: 11 Reasons It's Better Than Batman V Superman

3. It Actually Delivers On Its Title

Ben Affleck Civil War.jpg

Batman V Superman only barely delivers anything actually relating to its title. Sure, we get a ton of build-up as the superhero grudge match is developed, but the actual fight itself only lasts a little over five minutes...which for a film with that title is absolutely criminal. They should've had at least two fights (probably resulting in one victory each) before teaming up for the third act. Instead, we got very, very little of what everyone actually paid to see.

Civil War is the total opposite, thankfully: the movie's central action sequence at Leipzig/Halle Airport delivers pretty much everything you could want from a film with this title, and the final showdown between Cap and Iron Man truly is something brutal to behold.

It's hard to imagine anyone coming out of Civil War thinking, "Well, there wasn't enough action", or "But where was the Civil War?"


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.