Captain America: Civil War - 12 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know (Dec 5th)

11. It Will Connect To Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2

Despite the fact that James Gunn seems to be falling over himself to deny any links between his Guardians sequel and the wider MCU (particularly in terms of Hulk), there is a suggestion that Civil War will actively link into Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2. According to MoviePilot, Thanos is the over-arching narrative strand that will bring the two films together. Because his threat (specifically when he has some of the Infinity Stone in his possession) is impossibly large, it requires a super-team up beyond even the scale of the Avengers, which means bringing in more forces is necessary. That will be seeded in Civil War, whether it's just through "some kind of easter egg will be dropped in to draw a line between the two sets of heroes". Rating: 6/10 Though Marvel have a lot of seeding to do for upcoming films, they've already used Thanos as a unifying story element in post-credits stingers, so that might be how they do it in Civil War. The idea of Thanos being a key off-screen influence on how Civil War ends does also fit with the older rumour that Vision was set to have some sort of epiphany and go off planet by the end of the film. But that too is very much only speculation that isn't exactly corroborated by his absence from the trailer.

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