Captain America: Civil War - 12 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know (Dec 5th)

10. Baron Zemo Gets The Accords Drawn Up (Or Is Red Skull)

Following up on old rumours that he's the "main villain" in Civil War, it seems to be being suggested by Kevin Feige that Zemo is not as brand new a villain as he seems initially, and that he is a product of events we've already seen. Marvel are big on long-term seeding, so it's unsurprising to hear that Zemo's roots were established in past MCU movies. The question of how is the most pressing one. Could he be trying to bring Red Skull back to life using an Infinity Stone? Or, as CinemaBlend suggest, could he be the manipulating force behind the Accords? Oh and he's possibly Red Skull in disguise. Obviously. Rating: 8/10 and 1/10 (sadly). Kevin Feige has thrown a spanner into the works by suggesting that Zemo - who we already know is a reinvention from the comics - is going to be linked to what we've already seen in the MCU so far:
"I will say that his character is very much a product of the Cinematic Universe and all that has occurred within that universe up to this point."
So that's basically confirmation that we've indirectly seen his origin already. Inevitably that's led to some chatter that he might be Red Skull in disguise, or at least working for him, which is a little more outrageous. But we do know that Marvel wanted Red Skull to return, and they would need a fairly bonkers way of doing it with Hugo Weaving distanced from the role. Probably no more than wishful thinking though.

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