Captain America: Civil War - 12 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know (Dec 5th)

9. Crossbones Is Out To Frame Captain America

Following on closely from the idea that the Accords are a ploy by Baron Zemo to limit superhero interference in a grander nefarious scheme, there's some suggestion that Crossbones' mission to Nigeria will be designed intentionally to frame Captain America and the Avengers as dangerous. The tease comes courtesy of Frank Grillo, who ran a Q&A with fans and gave up some carefully chosen words about Crossbones:
"Well, that's a great question and obviously you've seen The Winter Soldier... Brock Rumlow is in bad shape and it was because of Cap and he's not happy. I'll tell ya, coming back as Crossbones, his alter-ego, he is not a happy guy and there's nothing that's going to get in the way of him doing what he's set out to do, which I cannot tell you or Marvel will have me taken away to a place with no one one knows of. You never want to mess with Marvel, but yeah, he is out for a good time. Crossbones. And so he's going to have fun."
The important things to note there are his drive to get back at Cap and the mention of his singular mission. Rating: 7/10 That would be counter to assumptions that Scarlet Witch inadvertently kicks off the need for legislation and control by losing control of her powers, but it would certainly fit Crossbones' need for vengeance. There's long been a rumour that Crossbones would die, and if he's being used as a suicide bomber of sorts, it would certainly fit both that and the suggestion by Grillo (in his "he's going to have fun" comment) that he is entirely unhinged.

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