Captain America: Civil War - 12 Subtle Trailer Details You Missed

10. The Institute for Infectious Diseases

As was revealed in the breakdowns of the D23 and AsiaPop footage, the IFID - or the Institute for Infectious Diseases (which sounds like it's missing the word "Prevention" in its title) plays an important part in a major sequence. From what we know already, and the teases offered in this trailer, it looks like this sequence of Cap infiltrating the IFID comes immediately after Crossbones shows up and takes the place over. Notice the security guards lying prone and the abandoned truck. The important thing to note here is that Cap is alone when attacking the Institute, and given the sensitive nature of the environment you'd have to think that he wouldn't have been advised to attack what amounts to a big old biological bomb. So, this is probably the moment that leads to him being branded a vigilante, as General Ross so aptly puts it.

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