Captain America: Civil War – 13 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know (Jan 13th)

9. The Russos Might Angle For A Black Widow Film (So Naturally, She Doesn't Die)

When pressed on their fondness for Black Widow as a character, the Russos - quickly becoming the most important creative heads at Marvel behind Kevin Feige - admitted that they would love to helm a stand-alone for her, as they mentioned on a junket in China:
"We find that the character is one of the richest, if not the richest, character in the Marvel universe. She€™s a very complex character. She€™s haunted by demons and her understanding of the world is fascinating. I think there is a lot that can be done with that character."
Could this be an admission that the Russos are angling for a stand-alone to follow Infinity War? Let's hope so. Clearly the other big thing to take from that is that Black Widow clearly doesn't die in Civil War, if her directors are saying there's a lot more can be done with the character. Rating: 5/10 Their passion for the project is all well and good, but Marvel still seem awfully resistant to actually giving Black Widow her own movie, even with increasing clamour. Right now, that decision feels like little more than stubbornness. But the rumour that she doesn't die seems fairly water-tight, dragging this rating way up for what it would be simply for a stand-alone Black Widow movie.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.