Captain America: Civil War – 13 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know (Jan 13th)

8. Cap Is Going To Retire (Not Die)

The question of whether Cap will die at the end (following the source comic) is a pertinent one that will debated until the credits roll in May, but there are more and more hints of what state he will be in by the end of Civil War. The rumour that he will hang up his shield having grown disaffected by superheroism has been given some legs by comments made by the Russos: €œCaptain America is a character who has suffered great lost. The journey that he goes on through €˜Winter Soldier€™ and €˜Civil War€™ is a journey back to himself and trying to decide whether or not his allegiance should be to himself and to the things that he holds dear, or whether it should still be to the patriotic duty that he signed up for all those years ago. And whether he can still treat it with the same reverence that he did when he signed up. So, it€™s a very emotional journey for the character and it is his movie.€ So it's retirement rather than death that sees him become inactive? Rating: 9/10 He'll be back for Infinity War, so it's not rocket science that he won't be killed off. That has also apparently been confirmed by Frank Grillo - playing Crossbones in Civil War when he appeared at Wizard World, New Orleans:
"Before I got the job, I started doing some research and I was look, 'Oh, this guy's a bad-ass!' I don't know if I'm gonna live but I want to be that guy. I spoke to Brubaker, who created Crossbones. He's a great dude and I got some of the back issues and stuff and read the origins of Crossbones and where he came from. The thing with Marvel is they don't always follow to the tee what the character did in the comic books. They use him in different ways. You never know what's gonna happen. I know Crossbones in the comics kind of offs Cap at some point and we're probably not gonna see that happen. I'm not gonna kill him yet."

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