Captain America: Civil War - 6 Deleted Scenes You Need To See

1. The Three Captain Americas

Captain America Deleted Scenes Civil War

What Happens? Another fight beat from early on in the Leipzig-Halle sequence is a beat where all three of the comic Captain Americas use the shield in a fight with Team Iron Man; War Machine knocks down Steve Rogers, Bucky flings the shield at him, which deflects and is caught by Falcon before being returned to its rightful owner.

What Does It Add? It's some proper team-work fighting, as opposed to two-on-two fisticuffs, and one that manages to allude to the later owners of the Captain America title (Bucky even says "I gotta get me one of those").

So Why Was It Cut? This scene must have been cut late-ish in the day given that footage from it made it into the first teaser, and, being honest, it is strange it didn't make it through - it's a fun beat that boasts a great easter egg. Perhaps they wanted to reduce the number of characters who touched the shield.

Should any of these deleted scenes have been included in the film? Or were they right to be put in the recycle bin. Share your thoughts down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.