Captain America: Civil War - 6 Deleted Scenes You Need To See

2. Captain America Vs. Black Widow

Captain America Deleted Scenes Civil War

What Happens? Early on in the airport scene, just after Captain America and Ant-Man hurl the gas truck at War Machine, Cap and Black Widow get into a scuffle, with the latter wielding the shield for a moment. The fight ends with Steve throwing Natasha over an edge, but not before checking she's got her gadgets to survive it.

What Does It Add? Given how close these characters became in The Winter Soldier, it's odd the film didn't extend the arc and have them come to blows. It's not like it was a bad showdown either - the only version is in animatic form, but it would have seen both characters use their entire arsenal (after all, they know each other's tricks).

So Why Was It Cut? Having Black Widow fight Cap about ten minutes before she goes turncoat would be a bit jarring, and even though it is a fun pairing to see showdown, it's not as essential as Cap vs. Spidey or Widow vs. Hawkeye.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.