Captain America: Civil War – 8 Big Things We Learned From The Russo’s Facebook Q&A

5.The Ending In One Word

Captain America Civil War Tony Prison 42
Marvel Studios

Totally unsurprisingly, concrete narrative details were few and far between in the Q&A, although some targeted questions managed to get something out the directors.

One fan asked them to sum up the film in one word, with Joe Russo choosing, "complicated."

OK, so that doesn't really give away that much by itself - every blockbuster director loves to trumpet how complex their explosion spectacle is (although most don't go as far as calling it too smart for critics) - but with everything we got here about character drive and motivation, it seems they're meaning complicated inmore waysthan just an incomprehensible action finale.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.