Captain America: Civil War – 8 Big Things We Learned From The Russo’s Facebook Q&A

4.Bucky Is The Key To The Film

Captain America Civil War Bucky Assassin
Marvel Studios

We know Civil War won't be all that faithful to the Mark Millar comic; the MCU now is in a vastly different state to the 616-universe in 2006 and everything in the trailers points to a very different approach. But perhaps the biggest clue to this is the film's focus on Bucky. A character who was important in the build-up and aftermath in print, he has no impact on the main conflict there, yet in the movieis an essential part of plot.

In fact, Anthony Russo even went as far as saying "At the heart of the film is 'Who is Bucky?' [...] and can Cap ever have a relationship with him again." That's certainly what the trailers have sold, but it's fascinating to hear the directors were really driven by this (although hardly surprising, given their entry to the MCU was Captain America: The Winter Soldier).

This statement came from a question about how Civil War Bucky would differ from the previous two versions of the character, which also led toRusso suggesting "Perhaps he€™s a hybrid of those two in some way."


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.