Captain America: Civil War - 8 Plot Twists No One Will See Coming

7. The Winter Soldier Betrays Captain America

The size and members of the teams in Captain America: Civil War are very different to the comic books, but there's inevitably going to be someone who either switches sides or is revealed as a mole (The Vision is one name which has been thrown around, but that's obviously just a rumour for now). There are plenty of viable options for who that could be, but Bucky being the one to betray his best friend would be a guaranteed gut punch to the audience which it's fair to say would come totally out of the blue. Why though would the former Winter Solider betray Steve? They could explain it by revealing that he's still under HYDRA control or really take things down a dark and twisted path by having Iron Man be the one responsible for continuing to brainwash Bucky, sending him Cap's way in a bid to bring him down from within. That may seem very villainous on Iron Man's part, but he did worse in the comics, and seeing as the Winter Soldier killed his parents, he probably isn't going to feel that guilty! Another option would be for Bucky to not like seeing what Captain America is becoming. In the comics, while Steve is portrayed as the good guy, he starts getting a little out of control, and very nearly kills Iron Man until members of the public intervene. Disturbed by seeing what the kid he grew up with in Brooklyn has become, Bucky deciding he has to stop him for his own good would be very emotional, but also makes perfect sense.

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