Captain America: Civil War - 8 Things You Need To Know About Team Cap

4. More To Bucky Than Meets The Eye?

When Captain America: Civil War kicks off, Bucky is still struggling to come to terms with his actions as The Winter Soldier, and while the comic books provided a quick fix by curing his mind with a Cosmic Cube, Sebastian Stan reveals that the big screen version is, "in a place where he€™s not very stable or healthy environment in his head." However, that won't have an impact on the bromance between him and Steve. Is Bucky genuine though? Some fans believe he may still be under the influence of HYDRA, and the actor has hinted that there's more to his current state of mind than meets the eye. " Whatever notions you had about that post-credits scene where you see him in the museum and obviously he€™s staring at himself, whatever ideas you got from that scene, keep thinking about those and go with your own thoughts on that..."

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