Captain America: Civil War - 8 Things You Need To Know About Team Cap

3. A Giant Action Sequence

Pitting The Avengers against each other automatically makes Captain America: Civil War one of the biggest Marvel movies to date, and so it makes sense that it will include a massive action sequence that the Russos are referring to as a "splash panel" fight scene. Shot entirely in IMAX, it's thought that this could be where Ant-Man undergoes his transformation into Giant-Man, but no one was willing to confirm that on the film's set! "It's about a 15-minute sequence," is all Joe would say of the airport set battle we've caught a glimpse of in the trailers. "It's the only one that we're doing on the camera. The camera literally just rolled off the press like a week before we started using it. It's an IMAX 65, so it's the ARRI's 65. It's a joint camera between Ares and IMAX." He then went on to confirm that, "We're going to shoot all of Infinity War on those cameras."

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.