Captain America: Civil War - 8 Ways It Could Ruin Everything

1. Cap Might Very Well Die And Leave A Hole Which Bucky Can€™t Fill

One theory runs that Captain America€™s going to die at the end of Civil War and have his shield taken up by his great mate Bucky Barnes, as per the Civil War: Epilogue comic.

While it€™s not set in stone yet, there€™s no guarantee that Stan actually has what it takes to be as good a Captain America as Evans has. His Steve Rogers - clean-cut, honest, incorruptible, trusting to a fault - would be a little irritating were it not for the enormous amount of groundwork laid for his character over the course of four films.

Bucky doesn€™t have as strongly defined a backstory as Rogers, so either they€™ll have to cram loads in and take shortcuts or just compromise. It€™d really take the wind out of the sails of a future instalment if they have to faff about doing all the legwork of fleshing him out so that he can stand as his own man and not have people watching him and wishing desperately that Rogers was still about.

With Bucky taking over as Captain America, there'd be a danger of raking over old ground - both are men from the past, both are soldiers, both are orphans. That duality works really well when the two of them are there to exploit it, but not so much when there€™s just Bucky there.

Having explored those themes pretty extensively already, they€™ll need to new ways to develop Captain America or risk boring us all to death over the course of the next three Marvel films.

What problems with Captain America: Civil War are you worried about? Let us know any more down in the comments.


Holding midfielder; can get forward. Decent engine.