Captain America: Civil War - 8 Ways It Could Ruin Everything

2. Cap Might Be Well Boring Without His Usual Sparring Partners

One of the many great things about Captain America is his fish-out-of-water interplay with the rest of the Avengers. As much as he€™s getting better at navigating the intricacies of the 21st century, he's still fundamentally a righteous 1940s dude trying to fit into a more morally opaque world.

However, with the snarky, cynical, egotistical Stark off running his own crew, and the newer characters too in awe to ridicule him, there'll be no badinage to take the edge off Cap's prissy, uptight attitude. Everyone on his side of the war respects him too much. As a result, he could come off as a completely sanctimonious, earnest, holier-than-thou type. If there€™s nobody to mock Rogers properly then we could end up straying into the kind of self-serious, joyless hole which Man Of Steel disappeared into.

The key area where the Avengers saga has really excelled is in balancing the heavy, po-faced, high-drama bits with an instinctively light comic touch, and Captain America: The First Avenger was noticeably dour in comparison to what followed because of it. It was a bit like going for a drink with a new friend who you thought was pretty sound but turns out to be really, really into saving the bees or composting or whatever: interesting for a short while, then tedious, then insufferable.


Holding midfielder; can get forward. Decent engine.