Captain America: Civil War - 9 Major Concerns From The New Trailer

8. Black Panther Looks Surprisingly Cheesy

Given its dark and almost Batman-like design, the Black Panther costume is one of the get-ups that you really couldn't imagine Marvel screwing up. And yet... Based on the brief glimpse that the trailer offers up, however, the Black Panther costume - for some reason - looks kind of cheesy. Now, those are some mighty strong words given that we're talking about a superhero movie which contains tons of characters wearing costumes, all of which one could deem to be "cheesy," but Black Panther's costume just has a different look to it than all the others - and it doesn't quite work. No, it's not a huge issue that will ruin Panther, but it does kind of drain some of the excitement away from all those who thought this guy would turn up looking like a serious badass. As it stands, he's just a bit... goofy. Maybe the costume is just, like, a prototype? Here's hoping.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.