Captain America: Civil War Plot - 12 Hints Kevin Feige Has Already Given

3. There€™s No Spidey Origin€ Because He Doesn€™t Need It

When WikiLeaks revealed the damaging emails from the so-called Sony Leak, they included some insightful analysis from Feige himself who sent notes of his reactions to the film - what he would change, cut, re-edit - and he seems invested in the character. The most interesting thing was his reaction to the idea of the Amazing Spider-Man having rebooted, and his distaste at it when the spider bite had already been seen in Raimi's film. Instead of that approach to endlessly rebooting, Feige actually mentions having the MCU follow the James Bond formula of simply recasting and continuing a general continuity for decades. There's a lot we can take from that now that he has his hands on Spider-Man, and he has openly addressed the fact that he still doesn't think Spidey needs another origin:
€œIn Spider-Man€™s very specific case, where there have been two retellings of that€ for us we are going to take it for granted that people know that, and the specifics."
That fits with director Jon Watts' assessment on the redundancy of the origin:
€œThere are only so many times you can kill Uncle Ben. I love the idea of making a coming-of-age high school movie. We€™re really going to see Peter Parker in high school and get deeper into that side of it. He€™s just 15 now.€

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