Captain America: Civil War Plot - 12 Hints Kevin Feige Has Already Given

11. Martin Freeman Will Set Up A Bigger Role Somewhere Else

Though he has now been spotted in the trailer (for all of a couple of seconds), Martin Freeman's role in Civil War remains something of a mystery: he's still nameless, we don't entirely know who's side he's on, and we don't know much about his pre-existing relationships. According to Feige though, he's not all that important. At least not yet.
€œHe€™s under the cloak of secrecy. There are a lot of amazing actors in this movie. Some of them play larger roles than others. And in some cases there are some you will meet ever so briefly in this film and then will be expanded upon in future films. He falls into that latter category.€
One theory suggests he might be the new President of the United States after incumbent William Sadler comes to the end of his tenure. It makes sense: the idea of a leader elected on the back of superpower anxiety helping usher in the Sokovia Accords would certainly make more sense than President Ellis doing so (he was after all rescued by superheroes). But then stranger things have happened in politics. It's more intriguing to think of Freeman as an Everett Ross/Agent Coulson sort of figure who liaises between the Avengers and their government keepers. He definitely has the right sort of charm, and it would fit the idea of him coming back for an expanded role later.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.