Captain America: Civil War Plot - 12 Hints Kevin Feige Has Already Given
10. Its Less Civil War, More Winter Soldier 2
It's not so much of a revelation now among fans who are paying attention, but Feige has openly reiterated the fact that Civil War is something of a misnomer that should perhaps have been called The Winter Soldier 2. He spoke to MTV to offer his classification of how the Cap films fit together:
Its very much, in a certain way, the completion of a Captain America trilogy. I think one day youll look back and watch Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Captain America: Civil War and itll be one of the most unique and different trilogies ever around a single character.
The important thing that he keeps saying, is that "it is very much a sequel to Winter Soldier, pushing the idea that Bucky, and arguably not the Sokovia Accords or any tangible war, will be the most important focus of the plot.