Captain America: Civil War Plot - 12 Hints Kevin Feige Has Already Given

9. Quicksilver Won€™t Reappear As A Clone

Sooner or later, a Marvel film is going to bring a dead character back that a new director wants to include in their film and say it was all just magic or the old guy was actually a clone. It's one of the oldest tricks in comic book resurrections. But that won't be Civil War. Feige was asked during a Q&A after an Age Of Ultron screening whether Quicksilver might be resurrected after being shot to death at the climax of Age Of Ultron in a similar manner manner to the clone version who is resurrected in a comic arc. The response (via Redditor JonLuca) was pretty clear:
"Quiksilver is DEAD. 100%, he's not coming back any time soon, there are no plans. No , no escaping bullets, no retcon. said he is dead and wanted to make sure people understood that."
That's despite Joss Whedon apparently having written in a loophole should the need arise to bring him back. And the Dead Is Dead revelation is a good thing: without it, there would be no cost of war, and even the escalate threat of Infinity War would end up being entirely disingenuous.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.