Captain America: Civil War Plot - 12 Hints Kevin Feige Has Already Given
5. Captain Marvel Wont Be Involved
Despite rumours that Captain Marvel would see her debut in Civil War in some capacity (sparked by the LEGO Avengers set that included her and Hyperion as mini-figures) Kevin Feige has seemingly already confirmed that he wants her to get an origin story in her own movie. She was initially planned to appear at the end of Age Of Ultron, but was cut because of the concerns that she had no context and that it was something of a disservice to the character:
"It was in the script at one point, it might have been one draft. Was it It might have just been Captain Marvel. And we shot a plate and thought we may add her in there but the truth is it just didnt seem appropriate to have this new person in a new costume come out of nowhere at the end of this story. It would have been a disservice to, what by the time the movie was coming out, a character people already knew was coming anyway."
Feige didn't want to tar her with the same brush as the New Avengers, who are supposed to be flawed (hence Cap's assertion that they "aren't the '27 Yankees") and it seems unlikely that he would do the same in Civil War, dropping her fully formed into a fight that simply isn't hers.