Captain America Civil War: Predicting The Entire Plot In 10 Steps

1. New Status Quo / Massive Infinity War Tease

So, Captain America is dead and the Civil War is over. At this stage, all Captain America: Civil War will have left to do is teasing the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I think this will include a hefty change to the status quo, which will change the way Marvel superheroes operate in future films. I think we€™ll see Tony Stark hang up the Iron Man suit for good, and possibly accept a full-time government role as the leader of their rebuilt S.H.I.E.L.D. and/or some kind of superhero overseer. That depends on whether Marvel can convince Robert Downey Jnr to keep coming back for more movies, though. If not, the film will still end with a restructured S.H.I.E.L.D. put in control of the world€™s superheroes. Meanwhile, villainy has had a big restructuring too €“ The Red Skull will be back, and I think it€™ll be revealed in the film€™s final moments that he€™s working with Thanos. The red-headed HYDRA head has been sent back to Earth to kill its heroes (of course, he started with Cap) and pave the way for Thanos€™ upcoming invasion, which will take place in the two-part Avengers: Infinity War movie. And finally, fans will surely get to see Bucky in a redesigned version of the iconic star-spangled Captain America suit, once he€™s cleared of all The Winter Soldier€™s crimes (which weren€™t his fault, of course). Perhaps Bucky putting on the suit will be a post-credits sting. And he€™ll probably pick up the shield, too, and become a part of the new government-sanctioned Avengers team. Reckon I've got any of that right? Let us know your Civil War predictions in the comments below...

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.