Captain America: Civil War - Ranking The Characters By Screen Time

9. Ant-Man

Ant-Man's movie was a huge (and surprising) success in 2015, with Paul Rudd in the lead role as Scott Lang. The concept had the potential to be farcical, but it was both hilariously and brilliantly executed. His shrinking power came across as being extremely formidable and Captain America: Civil War will see him mingling with a team of fellow superheroes for the first time on film. He'll be part of Captain America's anti-registration team and you can be certain that he'll have a prominent role. As well as being the comic relief (which may well be needed more than ever in what will be the most "serious" MCU movie to date), he'll help somehow in the rescue of Bucky (as hinted in his own movie's post-credits scene). His power will also come in very useful as Cap looks to gather information on his opponents - not to mention the fact that he'll probably kick some serious ass (after a nervous start) if his own movie was anything to go by.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.