Captain America: Civil War - Ranking The Characters By Screen Time

12. Hawkeye

A lot of negative things were said about Hawkeye's lack of screen time - and the fact that he was being mind-controlled for most of it - during his first major MCU appearance in The Avengers. That was rectified in Avengers: Age Of Ultron, when he was far more prominent - both as a hero and in terms of his personal life - but don't expect more of the same in Captain America: Civil War. He'll have his moments in the spotlight for sure and certainly won't be absent enough for fans to complain, but Clint Barton isn't powerful enough to make a massive impact on the titular fight (something even the character himself suggested in Age Of Ultron) and he doesn't have enough of a personal connection to either Captain America or Iron Man to be a major player in the movie's main story. He may, however, have an interesting fight with Black Widow, given that they're on opposing teams.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.