Captain America: Civil War - Ranking The Characters By Screen Time

13. "Martin Freeman"

Although the name of his character is yet to even be confirmed, Martin Freeman is definitely going to be in Captain America: Civil War. He'll play a man who's heavily involved in the implementation of the Sokovia Accords - perhaps he'll be the individual the registered heroes are expected to report to - and the likelihood is that he will be working under the aforementioned Baron Zemo. That means for the bulk of the movie he'll be doing Zemo's work at the forefront of the whole affair - and he'll get slightly more screen time than his boss as a result. Rumours of his character actually being a disguised Red Skull have been doing the rounds and, although that seems unlikely, it would certainly be interesting if he was revealed as such at the movie's climax.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.