Captain America: Civil War Trailer 2 - 11 Things We Want To See

8. A PROPER Look At Martin Freeman's Character

Producers have played their cards extremely close to the chest over the identity of Martin Freeman€™s character, and we€™re still no closer to finding out who he is. Freeman will apparently play some kind of government figure who will be introduced here, and become more important in later movies. Theories range from him being Red Skull in disguise (plausible, since Hugo Weaving won€™t be coming back anytime soon) or €“ and this is the most popular idea €“ his character has something to do with Black Panther. We still don€™t know for sure and it will probably be kept in the dark until Civil War comes out, but if the trailer at least offered a look at his character that might cool some of the speculation about his appearance. Or more likely, add to it.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.