Captain America: Civil War Trailer 2 Breakdown - 34 Things You Need To See

20. VISION "Kills" Rhodey

The way the trailer is edited suggests that the "bullet" that takes down War Machine comes from Bucky (hence the cut from him aiming), but since when is Bucky able to fire giant yellow bolts of energy? There are only two people capable of that sort of fire-power. Since one is Iron Man, the only real alternative is that it's Vision who fires the potentially fatal shot. Remember, his powers manifest with a distinctly yellow glow...
So, what the hell does this mean? Will Vision switch sides, as has been rumoured? Or will he fire unwittingly while under the control of another powerful character with mind-altering powers? We've been primed to think of those two as very important figures in Civil War, so having them combine to shoot down Rhodey would make sense. Still, actually seeing him "dead" feels too easy, so it's unlikely he actually dies, right - even if he does fall far.

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