Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 10 Most Awesome Moments

9. "The Age Of Miracles..."

There were hints and rumours flying around the internet long before the release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier with regards to the potential post-credits scenes, many of which guessed that we'd get our first glimpse of future Avengers Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. These rumours turned out to be entirely true: in the first of two post credits scenes, then, it's revealed that these talented siblings are currently being held captive by Hydra bad guy Baron Von Strucker in an underground lair, along with - somewhat unexpectedly - Loki's sceptre from The Avengers. This little scene, written and directed by Joss Whedon (who is helming Avengers: Age of Ultron at this very second), gives us an awesome little insight into our new heroes' abilities. Separated into two cells, we're introduced to our captives by Von Stucker, who proclaims "the age of miracles is near." Then we see Quicksilver darting back and forth at lightning speed in his cell, whilst Scarlet Witch manipulates a clutter of blocks with her mind - we see her staring at them intently with a glazed, child-like expression on her face, before the scene cuts enigmatically to black. Woo!

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