Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 10 Most Awesome Moments

8. The Janitor, Stan Lee

What would a MCU movie be without its Stan Lee cameo? And The Winter Soldier, you'll be pleased to know, is no exception to this beloved, long-running in-joke that has the Marvel mastermind popping up to do something amusing in each and every film for a couple of a seconds. Towards the beginning of The Winter Soldier, then, there's a museum dedicated to the likes of Captain America, what with his valiant efforts during WW2, which Steve Rogers visits whilst having a crisis of identity; he stares poignantly at a model dressed in his iconic WW2 costume. Later, when the Captain is in need of a Captain America costume, he heads back to the museum to steal the one from the model he saw earlier. That's where Lee comes in, playing a museum janitor who - working his shift - turns to see that the Captain America model is missing its costume, and reacts appropriately. Lee's reaction is actually hilarious, made double funny because of who he is, but also because it's genuinely hilarious when he pops up, given that you've usually forgotten that he's set to at such a point. Another awesome tribute to the man who made it all possible.

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