Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 10 Most Awesome Moments

6. Maria Hill: Rescue Hero

Maria Hill is arguably the most underrated character inherent to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, given that she's always there to help solve any nagging issues, and yet nobody ever seems to turn to her to say: "You know what, Maria? That was really helpful. Thank you for always being there when we need you. Somebody needs to, like, promote you or something, 'cause you're awesome." And guess what? Maria turns up to help out once again in The Winter Soldier after Captain America, Black Widow, and The Falcon have been captured by Hydra goons. Just when we think our heroes are going to find their way into a bunch of cells deep behind enemy lines, having been loaded into the back of a truck, one of the guards keeping an eye on them attacks his friend out of nowhere, only to remove their helmet, revealing themselves to be - you guessed it - Maria Hill. It's a cool little moment of fan service that further cements the fact that the MCU loves sharing characters and you never quite know who's going to turn up out of the blue. It's also nice to see a secondary character like Maria getting a chance to actually kick ass.

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