Captain Marvel: 10 Questions We Still Have

3. How Does Nick Fury Lose His Eye?

Spider Man Far From Home Nick Fury
Marvel Studios

With Nick Fury shown to be sporting two functional eyes in the movie's trailers, fans are quite understandably expecting the film to reveal how he ends up sporting his iconic eyepatch.

And though Kevin Feige and co. could certainly end up trolling fans by concluding the movie with both of Fury's peepers in tact, it does seem probable we will finally learn how his injury came to pass.

Moreover, the trailers have shown a brief clip of Fury tending to his damaged face, so unless we're being messed with - something Marvel Studios has a knack for - it's definitely happening.

Way back in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Fury told Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), "Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye", so within the context of Captain Marvel it's quite likely that he loses his eye due to some shape-shifting trickery on the part of the Skrulls.

Whether it's simply Talos attacking Fury while undercover as his S.H.I.E.L.D. boss or a more prominent character within Fury's circle whose identity is stolen by a Skrull, it'd be surprising if some identity-shifting shenanigans weren't afoot.

And then there are those who think the culprit might be Carol's pet kitty Goose, because why the hell not?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.