Captain Marvel: 10 Questions We Still Have

2. What Happens To Carol At The End?

Captain Marvel
Walt Disney Studios

With Avengers: Infinity War concluding with Nick Fury sending a pager distress call to Carol, fans have been left waiting almost a year to find out exactly where (or maybe, when) Captain Marvel is located as Thanos performs the Decimation.

There are quite a few possibilities here - perhaps she ends the film in some sort of stasis, filed away as a fail-safe by Fury in case of an event such as this.

Though given the uproar that would stem from a man putting Marvel's first frontline female superhero in the deep-freeze in her movie debut, that's pretty unlikely.

Some fans suspect she may land in the quantum realm or, better yet, travelling back in time, and the pager call is miraculously able to function across timelines or even dimensions, summoning her back to the present.

But the most convincing theory is the simplest, that Carol is out in the far reaches of space. It'd be a convenient way to paper over Carol's absence from Earth, because when you've got the powers that she has, why the hell would you tether yourself to Earth?

As for how Fury's pager can communicate across such a vast swath of space? You need to just suspend your disbelief and accept that one.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.