Captain Marvel: 20 Easter Eggs And References Explained
10. Project Pegasus
When Carol and Fury set out to investigate what became of doctor Wendy Lawson, they head to a secret Air Force facility and discover she was heading up a research drive known as 'Project Pegasus'. We later discover that this very project was a front for Lawson's attempts to help the Skrulls escape from the Kree, but the name was nevertheless retained by S.H.I.E.L.D. during the following years.
Eagle-eyed Marvel fans may actually recognise the phrase from 2012's Avengers. During the opening scene, where Hawkeye and Fury are watching over Doctor Selvig while he works on the Tesseract, we're treated to a shot that shows the facility as Project Pegasus. The project is later referenced by the World Security Council, so the clues that Lawson was housing the Cosmic Cube were actually there all along.