Captain Marvel: 9 Things You Need To Know About The Skrulls

3. There Was A Group Of Skrull X-Men

Captain Marvel The Skrulls
Marvel Comics

Like much of the human population in Marvel world, the Skrulls didn't take kindly to mutations among their own kind. The 'K-class Deviants' were a mutant sub-species who were abhorred, condemned and hunted by the rest of the Skrull Empire.

That was until Charles Xavier intervened, who saw a distinct parallel between the treatment of this misunderstood offshoot of the Skrulls, and the condemnation of mutant humans on Earth. The all-caring Professor X took a small group under his wing and nurtured them, X-Men style.

And so began Cadre-K, a group of Xavier-backed Skrull misfits who fought to liberate the K-class and save them from extinction. Their various powers included stretching, the ability to fire projectile quills, energy absorption and telepathy.

There were a number of occasions where Cadre K helped out the regular X-Men. And finding better luck with Earth's homegrown outcasts than with anyone else, the Skrull X-gang opted to remain living on planet Earth.


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