Captain Marvel Movie: 5 Things You Need To Know

1. She Could Connect The Earth And The Cosmic

Right now the Marvel Cinematic Universe exists in two distinct parts: up until this year, almost all of their films had taken place on Earth (and, specifically, New York and thereabouts), with even Thor spending more time on Midgard than away with the Norse gods. It was all pretty grounded. Then Guardians Of The Galaxy came along and expanded the scope exponentially, so now there's a whole cosmos to play in. How do you bring the two together? Well, with Captain Marvel. Whilst Carol Danvers is mostly human, the Kree DNA she was infused with - couple with the adventurous nature she carries over from her piloting days - has engendered her into taking off into the pale blue yonder, and further up until she's scraping the stars. In fact the most recent comic story arc saw her bumping into the Guardians whilst on an interplanetary mission. That's the biggest hope for Captain Marvel: that, rather than being stuck on Earth with the rest of the Avengers, her story will drag those two different sections of the MCU together, kicking and screaming even.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at