Captain Marvel Review: 7 Ups & 6 Downs

1. About Half Of The Effects Aren't Right

Captain Marvel Space
Marvel Studios

At times, the effects here are revelatory and change the change for Marvel movies. but there are equally some times where it all feels a touch under-cooked. Almost like we're watching early builds of some of the sequences that lack the final touches of gloss.

At worst, there are some close-up shots during the "space sequence" that we were teased in the trailers that rank right up there with Henry Cavill's weird top lip for poor, inhuman aesthetics.

There's also a ludicrous over-reliance on zero-gravity hair shots, which seem to suggest that there was probably an expensively compiled team responsible solely for that effect and the directors then liked it so much they used it as much as possible. The reality, though, is that it's not as effective as you'd have liked for something so gleefully and repeatedly celebrated.

Now the positives...


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