Captain Marvel Review: 7 Ups & 6 Downs


7. The Blanks It Fills

Spider Man Far From Home Nick Fury
Marvel Studios

Though it's set quite far apart from most of the rest of the MCU's films (the space ones and the World II one obviously don't count in that), there are still some big links to the wider mythology of the franchise.

And perhaps because of that removal, there appears to be a conscious effort to address some big MCU mysteries - and not just what happened to Nick Fury's eye. In the end, we're left with answers to the mysteries we came into Captain Marvel with most strongly and it's all buildt satisfyingly, even when there's a healthy slice of humour in there.

More impressively, some of the answers it provides aren't even linked to major lines of inquiry heading into this film but still manage to add something to the pre-Iron Man mythology of this universe.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.