Captain Marvel Review: 7 Ups & 6 Downs

5. Some Of The Humour Is Really Great

Captain Marvel Goose
Marvel Studios

It's worth pointing out that while some of the gags are a little out of place, there's also a good deal of the attempts at humour that are both effective and well-placed.

The best moments - including one thinly-veiled homage to Indiana Jones - are often actually the most memorable take-aways of the whole movie and the most likely to persist in discussion well after the credits have rolled. Whether you feel that enthusiastically about them possibly does depend on your overall feelings on humour application in the MCU as a whole, but there are definitely moments where the audience positively fell about laughing.

And best of all, that all tends to be where you know the film-makers were actually trying to make us laugh.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.