Captain Marvel Review: 7 Ups & 6 Downs

6. When The Effects Are Good, They're Great

Captain Marvel Nick Fury
Marvel Studios

It would be a disservice not to mention that a lot of the visuals in Captain Marvel are quite remarkable. Seeing her in full powered up mode flying around is cause for whooping with excitement (or heading straight to brown alert, if your name is Thanos) and lots of the best action heavily relies on CGI, which is perfectly realised.

Most impressive of all is the de-aging work that's gone into Samuel L Jackson and which is so organically impressive that you begin to forget you're not just looking at Jackson as he is normally. It's not quite as successful with Clark Gregg, but that may be because he has the kind of face that doesn't appear to have ever looked young.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.